If you’re reading this (cue Drake's album), it’s not too late to learn how to calculate critical insights, even if they require complex formulas. If you feel late to the game, Excel has built-in tools that allow you to quickly calculate values by clicking a button. The best part? You don’t even have to write any formulas!
Above, we have 2022 sales by representative and want to know each rep’s percent of total sales in column D. To do this, simply select the sales values in column C, open the Quick Analysis tool in the bottom right-hand corner of the selection, navigate to the totals tab, select % Total with the yellow column highlighted in the icon, and that’s it!
Each percent of total formula is automatically inserted in the next column, and now we can get to the fun stuff: analyzing the results! If you want to calculate the percent of total in the row below the selection, all you have to do is select % Total with the blue row highlighted in the icon. If you’ve read this, you know how to calculate powerful insights!