Entering data into Excel can be a mind-numbing task, especially when you have a set list that you have to enter again and again…and again. What if I told you Excel could read your mind and automatically fill the list for you?
OK, so Excel can’t technically read your mind. But it comes close! Until Excel becomes a sentient being, you can create a custom AutoFill list that Excel recognizes and fills for you. Here’s how.
Let’s say I regularly have to enter the names of my team members into Excel. Instead of typing every name out each time, I can create a custom list, enter any team member’s name on that list, and Excel will fill in the rest of the list for me.
To create a custom list, go to File > Options > Advanced and scroll down to the General section at the bottom of the Advanced Options window. Once you get to this section, hit the Edit Custom Lists button to open the Custom Lists dialog box. Now, enter the custom list by selecting the cells that contain the list and then hit the import button. Double check that the custom list appears in the custom list window and all of the list entries appear in the list entries window. If everything looks good, hit OK. Now your custom list is formulated in Excel! To use the custom list, enter any entry on the list then click and drag the fill handle down.
One thing to note is that the list is always going to appear in the exact same order, so if the order of the items changes or if you have to add or delete items, you’ll have to edit the list in the Custom Lists dialog box.
And that’s it! All right, so maybe Excel isn’t a mindreader, but who would want a computer program doing that, anyway?