Today we’re going to get a little wild and learn a non-traditional sorting filter 🔥. Sure, we can sort data in Excel by putting numbers in descending or ascending order, or putting text in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order, but get ready for the real fun: we can also sort data by color 🌈. This is especially useful when reviewing highlighted values in a data set.
Check out the example data in our above gif, where we have various representatives highlighted. Let’s say we want to sort the data by pulling all of the yellow highlighted cells to the top of the table. To do this, we’ll navigate to the data tab and select the sort command to open the sort dialogue box. Next, we’ll select the fields we want to sort by and sort on. We want to sort by highlighted representatives, so we’re going to select “representative” in the sort by dropdown, and we want to pull highlighted values to the top, so we’ll sort on cell color and set the yellow option to appear on top. Now we just hit OK to sort the data!
Instantly, all three representatives highlighted in yellow are pulled to the top of our sheet. Think of all of the use cases for this!! This is going to take color coding to the next level 🤤