Tired of lining up dates? Lucky for us, we can easily create a date series by using the Series Tool! Let’s say we need to list dates from now until the end of the year. We’ll start by entering the first value in our desired series - today’s date - in our cell, then we’ll select that value, and then open the Series Tool by pressing ALT H F I S. We could also open the Series Tool by opening the fill drop-down on the home tab and selecting series, but we like shortcuts around here!
Since we want to create a date series from today through the end of the year, we’ll first want to update the “Series In” value to “columns” so Excel knows we’d like our dates to run down the column. Next, we’ll make sure “Date” is selected as our Type and “Day” is selected as our Date Unit so that each entry down our column increases by one day. We could create a date series that contains only weekdays, months, or years using the other setting options, but in this case we’ll use day so that every date from now until 12/31/24 is represented in the series.
Finally, we’ll just enter the date we’d like our series to end on, and hit OK! That’s it! Easiest series of dates I’ve ever been on 😉