Formatting can make or break your spreadsheet. You can write the most advanced formulas to calculate data insights, but if they aren’t formatted, no one will be impressed. And if you’re the type who procrastinates and then rushes to get things done, this tip is for you.
Excel’s AutoFormat tool allows you to automatically format your data. All you have to do is select any cell within the data you want to format, press ALT + O + A to open AutoFormat, and choose your favorite format. Once you find a format you like, hit “OK,” and Excel will automatically apply the formatting to your data.
Pro tip: You can add the AutoFormat command to your Quick Access Toolbar. To do this, right click the Quick Access Toolbar, select Customize Quick Access Toolbar, add the AutoFormat command by selecting it in the left window, press “Add,” and then hit “OK.”
Now you can keep your spreadsheets stylin’ by clicking the AutoFormat command in your Quick Access Toolbar!