Is Excel the new photoshop?!? No, I’m not kidding - we can now remove the background of an image directly in our worksheet using the background remover tool! How crazy is that?
Check out the gif above - we’ve got a cute pumpkin image that we’d like to include in our sheet, but the grassy background is too distracting. To remove all that greenery, all we need to do is select the image, navigate to the Picture Format tab, and select the Remove Background tool. Excel automatically detects the background portion and highlights it purple for us!
To clean up the selection, we’ll use the “Mark Areas to Keep” and “Mark Areas to Remove” tools in the ribbon. This will allow us to remove or keep whatever specific spots we'd like on the pumpkin by simply drawing over the spots with the correct tool. Once all of the background that we want to get rid of is highlighted in purple, we simply click the “Keep Changes” command, and that’s it! No more spooky grass background 🪄.