You may have seen my tip last week on how to automatically fit column widths to the size of the data (all without having to touch the mouse). This week, we’re going to learn how to clean up messy data in seconds—row edition.
This time, ALT+H O A is your keyboard shortcut. This activates the AutoFit Rows command on the Home tab of the Ribbon. AutoFit Rows automatically adjusts the row heights to the length of the cells’ contents within the row, so all of the data is visible with no extra blank spaces between your rows.
Start by selecting the messy data using CTRL+A, then hit ALT+ H O A, and boom! Your data is now visible, clean, and ready to be analyzed. If your data table is really messy and you need to clean up both the rows and columns, just use both shortcuts. Highlight the data table, hit ALT+H O A then ALT+H O I. All done