Ahh, a workplace classic: invoicing and orders. We can easily insert our signature directly into a worksheet to make this work a breeze! Check out the gif above for an example: we’ve got an invoice in Excel that we need to send out ASAP, but it needs to be signed by the boss!
First, we’ll sign our name on a blank piece of paper using a black pen or sharpie, then take a picture of the signature and save it to our desktop. To insert this new signature file into Excel, we’ll head to the worksheet that contains our invoice, navigate to the Insert tab, open the Pictures drop down, select Place over Cells, and then This Device. From here, we can select our saved image file and insert it into our worksheet.
The final step is to remove the background so our signature stands on its own. To do this, we’ll click the Remove Background command, and then select Keep Changes to remove the background. That’s it! Our signature is now inserted as an object our worksheet, and we can easily reposition it to wherever we need to sign ✍️.