Are you ready for this? Excel is the new Photoshop…yes really. Today we’ll learn how to fit a skewed image into a screen frame in Excel. Let’s say, for example, that we want to insert a picture of Taylor Swift onto a blank laptop screen. Instead of switching over to (and needing to learn 🫠) Photoshop, we can accomplish this in Excel utilizing shapes.
Check out the gif above to walk through this example! First, we’ll need to insert our shape by navigating to the insert tab, opening the shapes dropdown, and selecting the rectangle shape. To insert the rectangle shape onto our blank laptop screen, we’ll click and drag across its width. Don’t worry - it doesn’t have to be perfect! We’ll fine tune our shape next.
To match the new shape’s corners to the laptop screen corners, we’ll right-click the shape, select edit points, and drag each corner of the rectangle to its respective corner on the laptop screen.
Finally, we’ll insert our picture of T. Swift into our shape by right-clicking the rectangle, selecting format shape, choosing picture or texture file in the format shape window, and selecting insert from a file to insert a photo from our computer. Once we’ve uploaded the picture from our files (or wherever it’s saved), we’ll hit insert to fill our shape with the image and we’re done!