Joining text cells in Excel can be more tedious than hearing your nephew pitch you on his new NFT project. To make things easier for you, meet TEXTJOIN. Excel’s TEXTJOIN function combines text from multiple cells into one, with a delimiter separating each value.
Follow the syntax below:
=TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [...])
- Delimiter is the character that separates each text value.
- Ignore_empty determines whether to ignore empty cells or not. (Choose TRUE to ignore all empty cells, or FALSE to include empty cells when combining them into one value.)
- Text1 is the first value you want to combine. The value can be a text string, cell reference, or a range of cells.
- […] List all additional values, separated by commas, that you want to combine.
In the example above, I have first, middle, and last names in separate columns and I want to create a new column that combines the three into full names. I combined the names using the TEXTJOIN function, because each name needs to be separated by a space. So I entered a space in double quotations as the delimiter argument, set the ignore_empty argument equal to TRUE to ignore empty cells (in this case there are none), and lastly, entered the cells I wanted to combine in the form of an array.