Has it been one of those weeks when you’re so busy you forget what day it is? Let Excel help you out! The TEXT function allows you to change the way a number appears by applying a format code to it. Dates are stored as numbers in Excel, so we can use the TEXT function to reformat the date to the weekday that it falls on.
The TEXT function follows this syntax:
=TEXT(value, format_text)
- Value is the number you want to reformat
- Format_text is the format code that represents the format you want to apply to the number
In the example above, I used the TEXT function to reformat the date to weekday by entering the date as the value argument and the format code for weekday (“DDDD”) as the format_text argument. You can find the list of format codes by hitting CTRL 1 to open the format cells dialog box, then select the custom category. Don’t forget to put quotations around the format code in the format_value argument, or else the function won’t work!